Clubs & Organizations
At Holy Family Cristo Rey, we want our scholars to have a full, well-rounded, and fun high school experience! Through school-sponsored clubs and organizations, we offer scholars opportunities to develop leadership skills, explore new interests, make lasting friendships, and be recognized for their achievements. We currently offer twelve student-driven clubs, and are always looking to add more ways for scholars to get involved. Holy Family Cristo Rey also has chapters of five honor societies: the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honor Society, Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society, and Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (Spanish Honor Society).
Important Note: In order to help ensure the health and safety of our school community, all scholars must be vaccinated against Covid-19 in order to participate in any extracurricular activities, including sports, clubs, and events.Click here to submit proof of vaccination. Thank you for your cooperation!

Art Club welcomes all scholars that love making art of any kind. There are no dues, fees, or applications. All grade level students are invited to join us for weekly activities at Holy Family. Please contact the art club sponsor, Ms. Marks for more information
Sponsor: Mrs. S'Heelia Marks,
Meeting Times: TBD

Do you play an instrument, or would you like to learn how to play one? If so, you should join the HFCR Band! All scholars are invited to join, regardless of experience level. Available instruments are trumpet, trombone, French horn, flute, clarinet, and saxophone.

Board Game Club is a chance to hang out with friends after school, make new friends, and learn new games. We like to come together in light-hearted competition and create lasting memories. We play board games you probably have not heard of like Coup, Code Names, Unstable Unicorns, and much more. There is no application process to join, all you need to do is show up and try to bring a friend if you can. We are all about fun and fellowship with no other obligations.
Sponsor: Mr. Berkan Ciger,
Meeting Times: Fridays at 3:30 PM

If you have a gift for singing, join the HFCR choir! All grade levels are welcome. The choir will perform at school events and concerts. Scholars will be required to attend weekly after school rehearsals.
Contact: Mr. James Thornton,
Meeting Times: Tuesdays at 3:30 PM

Creative Writing Club meets weekly after school for workshops with Mr. Hornbuckle and other writers from the community. They can also contribute to a school-wide literary magazine and learn about various creative writing contests that they can enter. To become a member, students must contact Mr. Hornbuckle and commit to regular attendance.
Sponsor: Mr. David Hornbuckle,
Meeting Times: Thursdays at 3:30 PM

More information coming soon!
Contact: Mr. Kaleb Moode,
Meeting Schedule: Tuesdays at 3:30 PM

The Drama Club produces a spring musical. The club also has numerous opportunities during the school year for performing short skits and other programs. We will also have masterclass/workshops, and lots of other fun activities. Come join the fun!
Not sure about getting up on stage in front of an audience? Join the stage crew!
Contact: Mrs. Jacquese Smith,
Meeting Times: Wenesdays at 3:30 PM

The mission of GirlSpring, founded in Birmingham in 2010, is to provide access reliable information, inspiring events, and positive role models so girls are empowered to reach their full potential. The GirlSpring chapter at HFCR meets monthly during lunch to discuss issues and topics relevant to high school girls, build relationships, and have fun!
Contact: Ms. Shequita Malone,
Meeting Times: TBA

Are you interested in K-Pop music and culture? Join the K-Pop Club! Meetings are held weekly in Mrs. Evans' room. More information coming soon!
Contact: Mrs. Sarah Evans,
Meeting Times: Thursdays at 3:30 PM

The Praise Dance group uses dance, gestures, and storytelling to bring to life the music used in our weekly Mass and prayer services and at other school events. No experience required!
Contact: Mrs. Sherry Gibson,
Meeting Times: Mondays & Wednesdays at 3:30 PM

Spanish Club is comprised of students of all levels of Spanish or any student who is interested in Spanish language and culture. We meet weekly and participate in activities to learn about and promote Hispanic culture, as well as practice language skills. In addition, we participate in fundraisers for group activities, as well as for charitable causes.
Sponsors: Mrs. Kelly Weekly,, and Mr. Yihsrael Vélez,
Meeting Schedule: Wednesdays at 3:30 PM

Student Ambassadors are a small group of student leaders dedicated to the positive promotion of Holy Family Cristo Rey Catholic High School. They exhibit academic excellence and a strong commitment to community service. The Student Ambassadors serve as front line representatives of Holy Family Cristo Rey to prospective families, specifically prospective students.
Student Ambassadors must go through an annual application process in the first half of the fall semester.
Sponsor: Ms. Shequita Malone,

Why run for SGA?
Make meaningful, tangible change for HFCR and your fellow students
Help mold HFCR into the school you want it to be
Plan events for the school that your fellow students will enjoy
Gain experience in civic planning and civic engagement
More information on running for SGA office, including sign-up dates, election procedures, and eligibility requirements is shared in the fall.
Sponsor: Mr. Berkan Ciger,
Meeting Times: Mondays at 3:30 PM

The Student Prayer and Reflection Committee (SPARC) works with Campus Minister Mr. Smith to create meaningful and relevant prayer, reflection, and worship experiences for our school. SPARC writes daily prayers for our morning announcements, coordinates events such as Día de los Muertos, and assists with our weekly Mass and prayer services.
Sponsor: Mr. Matt Smith,
Meeting Times: Mondays at 3:30 PM

Is there a club that we don't currently have that you would like to start? We encourage you to take the lead and help us start it! Many of our current clubs, such as the Board Game Club and K-Pop Club, were started by scholars and have grown over the years.
To start a club, all you need is an idea or plan for what you want your club to do, a few other scholars interested in joining, and a teacher or staff member to serve as the sponsor. We can't wait to see what you will come up with! Questions? Talk to a teacher or administrator.
Holy Family Cristo Rey offers a number of sports for interested scholars:
Boys' & Girls' Basketball
Girls' Flag Football
Dance Team
We also hope to add additional sports, such as baseball and soccer, in the coming years. For more information, visit the Athletics page.
Click Here to go to the athletics pageHoly Family Cristo Rey inducts eligible scholars into local chapters of five national honor societies: